-Bystro vniz!- gave an order Kaliban.- await near the machine! And take a little more food- will breakfast along the road.
Poncho distsiplinirovanno stood near "Mercedes- Benz" with the very strong hat box under the mouse. Kaliban, after discarding cowling, is attentive posharil by view in the searches for excess wires. Then, after diving under the bottom, it verified, no whether and it is there indicative explosive device or any other sabotage. Satisfied by that seen, without loitering it slid into the driver armchair. Poncho it flopped next to the dock together with the hat box, even without having thought to transmit its Berni to the rear seat.
Iz Of gramzdorfa conducted only one road. Rapidly as soon as could Kaliban it taxied on the the uzen'kim to the rural by-streets, where the pedestrians did not never adhere to pavements. Several times for it it was necessary to impatiently press klaxon in order to drive away from the road of most of those braked. But Gramzdorf is small, and after the schitannye minutes the "design" has already been pulled out to the highway, which whimsical loops in the mountains for the elongation of many miles before go down into the valley. There was pursued automobile thus far yet not evident, although the odds at the start did not exceed five minutes. Kaliban conducted machine along the mountain road as on spidveyu in Indiana. Poncho, after neglecting hand into the hat box, light-heartedly it champed. This irritated Berni where stronger than the form of the bottomless precipice, which is carried almost under the wheels.
fation design
- to Karlskopfa only of twenty miles, reported doc. -There they they can change seats to the aircraft.
Nad by head showed blue clear sky, and the sun to the right was assembled to look because of the mountains. But the western horizon gloomy clouds already clouded up. Poncho, without interrupting meal, it clicked by the toggle switch of radio. German announcer here confirmed the forthcoming change in the weather. Powerful thunderstorm front was moved from the side of France.
of Berni it moved more left in order not to see the sickening abyss flickering on the sharp turns.
However, - give and to me to chew any schnitzel on -Viennese, until not slopal still is itself, required it in Poncho.
You will lick - fingers, to what everything is tasteful in these boshey, stout person in his justification muttered. After tearing away by teeth cover from the bottle of dark beer, it dried by its one swallow and transferred spirit- paradisiacal nectar!
- you is loathsome, did say Berni.- A you as, dock? You will begin to chew in motion?
Kaliban negatively wandered by head. It not for a moment desired to be distracted from the devilish paper streamer. Furthermore, it recently for the first time examined after the turning distant automobile, also brand "Mercedes". Anticipating the pursuit in all to one turn, that rushed with the same suicidal speed.
V whole the matter left by devilishly mysterious. What after the new enemy was declared in the immortal nine? What by them dvizhut motives? Who such Of kobbs and Villiers? Obviously, something it is larger than usual graduate students from archaeology.
Dok literally merged with the flying machine, oshchushchaya itself by its most important detail. Even Berni, after feeling the currents outgoing from the commander, smallness it were weakened. But to the right nevertheless it did not hurry to be moved in the previous place.
V this moment they departed for the turning. There, altogether it is only in fifty meter in front, almost that across the road is motionlessly chilled the "Mercedes" Of tsarndirla.
-ey, Dok!- began to fation bawl Poncho.-Vot it, our red! It clambers upward along the slope, now it will wash off into the forest!
Kaliban even did not look sideways to the side, where indicated by finger Poncho. Davanuv of brake, it attempted to hold machine from the drift and approximations to a place of obvious ambush. With difficulty after taxiing, backward motion immediately gave. But it did not follow the expected shots.
- that even after forteli?- astonished To berni.
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